Marine toolbox

Spatial scales

Biodiversity screening

Tools and guidance to support screening approaches


Tools and guidance for marine habitat restoration

position tool

Our interactive tool to help you visualise your path to nature positive

net gain

Our guiding framework to support delivery of net gains for marine biodiversity


Guidance to address commonly encountered risks to marine biodiversity


Guidance on the impact and mitigation of anthropogenic underwater noise on marine biodiversity


Guidance on defining ecologically appropriate scales of analysis for marine biodiversity assessments

Nesting beach
indicator tool

A tool to determine the potential for sea turtle nesting on beaches

Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards produced by International Finance Institutions (IFIs) provide an international best practice framework for assessing private and public sector development projects. As part of a suite of requirements, these standards have been developed for the protection of biodiversity. A fundamental component to meeting the standard requirements relates to the need to define ecologically appropriate scales of study and analysis.

Whilst the standards provide a comprehensive steer on the need for biodiversity analysis at an ecologically appropriate scale that extends beyond a project site and its Area of Influence (AoI), there is no detailed guidance for defining these areas, especially for the marine environment. To address this gap, Bluedot has developed guidance which is available below.

“The scale of resolution chosen by ecologists is perhaps the most important decision in the research program, because it largely predetermines the questions, the procedures, the observations, and the results…”
Dayton & Tegner, 1984
Guidance for defining ecologically appropriate scales of analysis for marine biodiversity in relation to IFC performance standard 6

How our guidance helps

To support the development of approaches for marine biodiversity, we have developed a guidance document focusing on addressing the requirements of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 6 (PS 6). PS 6 sets out a framework for ‘Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources’.

IFI standards are in general alignment, and therefore this guidance is applicable across other IFI safeguard frameworks that have been developed for biodiversity protection.

download the guidance