Marine toolbox

Underwater sound

Biodiversity screening

Tools and guidance to support screening approaches


Tools and guidance for marine habitat restoration

position tool

Our interactive tool to help you visualise your path to nature positive

net gain

Our guiding framework to support delivery of net gains for marine biodiversity


Guidance to address commonly encountered risks to marine biodiversity


Guidance on the impact and mitigation of anthropogenic underwater noise on marine biodiversity


Guidance on defining ecologically appropriate scales of analysis for marine biodiversity assessments

Nesting beach
indicator tool

A tool to determine the potential for sea turtle nesting on beaches

Over recent decades, human activities – such as shipping, offshore construction, and seismic surveys – have increasingly contributed to underwater noise pollution. Research has shown that this noise can have adverse physical, perceptual, and behavioural effects on various marine species groups, including mammals, reptiles, fish, seabirds, and invertebrates.

In 2022, on behalf of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Bluedot’s Founder, Neil Cousins, co-authored a technical series report that reviews the impacts of anthropogenic underwater sound on marine biodiversity and related mitigation approaches.

The report synthesises, at the time of writing, the best available knowledge relating to impacts and mitigation. This includes a critique of the evidence-base and identification of uncertainties.

Impacts of underwater noise on marine biodiversity

Key highlights of the report include

  • A comprehensive state of knowledge review collating research and guidance on underwater noise impacts
  • Consideration of all potentially sensitive marine taxa in one place
  • A thorough review of effects and existing mitigation approaches
  • An understanding of the evidence-base and where uncertainties remained at the time of writing
  • A basis for understanding the importance of this issue for the health of ocean ecosystems
  • Recommendations for the need for continued and enhanced collaboration, and further research to address knowledge gaps and improve mitigation efforts.
Read the report